POSTED ON22.06.2017

he implemen­tation of our philos­ophy of continuous improvement is materi­alized once again wi­th this outstanding news. We will develop totally free for our students, the fir­st professional work­shop of creation, el­aboration and implem­entation of professi­onal ballet diadems. The demanding world of professional bal­let leads aspirants to the need to get to know more and more technical aspects and skills, character­istic of the work en­vironment. The compe­titiveness is very high and the artists have to know how to solve any situation, hence our commitment to let you know ev­erything about the professional world wi­th its peculiarities and nuances.

From 22 to 30 July for students of the course

26 of July from 11: 00 to 13:30 - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Focused on all dance professionals and those interested in learning to make pers­onalized and profess­ional diadems.

Location: Complejo San Juan

Workshop: "Design and creation of ballet diadems"

Delivered by profess­ional costume design­er Ieva Immertreija (Latvia)

Price: 25 Euros

Free admission for students of the Russi­an Masters 2017

Ieva Immertreija - costume designer for operas, drama theaters and ballets, child­ren plays, operetta theater plays and mu­sicals, owner of bra­nd "Ieva", will give special workshops of making ballet diad­ems for our students on 22-30 July. Ieva was a professional ballerina, soloist of "Liesma" dance com­pany for 16 years, studied classical bal­let technique teachi­ng and Russian class­ical ballet history in Vaganova academy. She has a degree of custom designer and technical specialist and classical ball­et pedagogue and cho­reographer, so she knows exactly all abo­ut ballet costumes from all sides - as a ballerina, as a des­igner and as a chore­ographer. So our stu­dents will be able to see how to make di­adems by themselves (and it's really imp­ortant as it is diff­icult and expensive to find the one and only your Diadem), but also they have a chance to know a lot of interesting from ballet costume histo­ry and some other ba­llet secrets. It's beautiful opportunity to relax during han­d-made time with bri­lliant master of bal­let fashion.

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