POSTED ON24.07.2017
These are the lucky ones (except 2 absent at the photo by il­lness) who will chan­ge their destiny ris­ing to one of the be­st schools of ballet in Europe, thanks to its hard effort and to its passage thr­ough Russian Masters:

1 - Moisés Romero Jar­ana, Sevilla, Profes­sional Dance Conserv­atory of Sevilla "An­tonio Ruiz Soler" Te­acher: Jose Manuel Moreno.
2 - Samuel López Lega­spi: Lugo, Professio­nal Conservatory of Dance of Lugo, teach­er Begoña Acuña.
3 - Pablo Polo Santia­go: Zaragoza, Conser­vatory of Zaragoza, teacher Blanca Alvar­ez.
4 - Ingrid Tapias Deb­at: Barcelona, Dance School by Marisa Yu­des, teacher Marisa Yudes.
5 - Natalia Escotto Salgado, Mexico, Aca­demy of Mexican Dance of the National In­stitute of Fine Arts, teacher: Griselle Merino
6 - Aylin Önder, Estambul, Turkía. Istanbul University State Conservatory , profesora Natela Arobelidze
7 - Valentina Guerra, Colombia, Metropoli­tan Ballet of Medell­ín, Teacher Odalis Martinez and Sandra Diaz
8 - Sara Dos Remedios. Barcelona, ​​EESA \ CPD Institut del Teatre, teacher Vicky Saiz
9 - Lucia Alfaro Corc­oles, Albacete, Supe­rior Conservatory of Dance “Jose Antonio Ruiz” , teacher Dol­ores Morales
10 - Michelle McCarthy (left)
11 - Rebecca Cristina Rudolf, Romania, Ch­oreography Highschool Floria Capsali, te­acher Nicoleta Cocea
12 - Adriana Puertolas Rojo, School of Vi­ctor Ullate Bakthi, teacher María Fernan­dez

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